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Without seeing your code or the file you are working with, it is difficult to accurately diagnose the issue. However, here are a few potential reasons why your for loop may not be properly printing the abbreviations of all the airports:

  1. Your loop may be exiting prematurely: If you are using a conditional statement in your loop to determine when to stop iterating, make sure that it is not accidentally causing the loop to exit before it has processed all the lines in the file.

  2. You may be overwriting the values of your variables: If your loop is not properly incrementing or appending values to a list or array, you may be overwriting the values of your variables with each iteration, leading to incomplete or incorrect output.

  3. The formatting or content of the file may be causing errors: If the file you are reading is not properly formatted or contains unexpected characters or data, it could be causing errors or interfering with the proper execution of your loop.

Try checking for these potential issues and adjusting your code accordingly. If you continue to have problems, consider posting a specific code example and/or the contents of your input file for further troubleshooting.