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Dart can be utilized for developing Chrome Extensions by following these steps:

  1. Install the Dart SDK and the Dart Editor.
  2. Create a new Dart project in the Dart Editor.
  3. Add the dependency for the "chrome" package to your project's pubspec.yaml file.
  4. Import the "chrome" package into your Dart code.
  5. Write the code for your Chrome Extension using Dart.
  6. Compile the Dart code to JavaScript using the Dart-to-JavaScript compiler.
  7. Include the compiled JavaScript as the extension's background script in the manifest.json file.
  8. Load the extension in Chrome and test it.

Some benefits of using Dart for Chrome Extension development include:

  1. Dart is a modern and efficient programming language that provides features like type checking, async/await, and generics.
  2. The "chrome" package provides a powerful and easy-to-use API for interacting with Chrome's extension system.
  3. Dart's code can be compiled to highly optimized JavaScript that runs fast in the browser.
  4. Dart's tooling, like the Dart Editor and Pub package manager, provides a smooth development experience.