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To create an indent in tiptap 2, you can use the built-in indent extension. Here's an example of how to use it:

  1. First, import the indentation extension:
import Indent from '@tiptap/extension-indent'
  1. Then, add the extension to your editor's extensions:
const editor = new Editor({
  extensions: [
    // other extensions...
  1. Finally, add a button to your editor's toolbar to allow users to indent text. Here's an example of creating a button that indents the selected text:
const IndentButton = ({ editor }) => {
  const indent = () => editor.chain().focus().indent().run()

  return (
    <button onClick={indent}>Indent</button>

// add the button to your toolbar
const editor = new Editor({
  // other config...
  content: '<p>Sample text</p>',
  editorProps: {
    // add a toolbar with the indent button
    renderToolbar: (props, editor) => {
      return (
          <IndentButton editor={editor} />

Now when you click the "Indent" button in the editor's toolbar, the selected text will be indented by one level.