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There could be multiple reasons why the images in Thymeleaf are not being displayed:

  1. Incorrect file path: Check if the image file path is correct in the HTML code. The path should be relative to the HTML file and point to where the image is stored in the static folder.

  2. Incorrect folder structure: Ensure that the folder structure is correct. The images should be stored in the static folder, inside another folder (if required), and referenced in the HTML file.

  3. Incorrect image format: Make sure that the image format is supported by the browser. If the image format is not supported, the browser will not display the image.

  4. Issues with the web server: Check if the web server is running properly and serving the files correctly.

  5. Browser cache: Clear the browser cache as it may be displaying an old version of the page without the images.

  6. File permissions: Ensure that the images and folders have the proper permissions set for reading and accessing by the web server.