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There are several ways to incorporate .less files with React:

  1. Using a CSS preprocessor loader: Install a CSS preprocessor loader, such as "less-loader", which will compile the .less files into regular CSS files.

  2. Importing .less files directly: You can import the .less files directly into your React components using the syntax: import './styles.less'. This will allow you to use the styles defined in the .less file in your component.

  3. Using a CSS module system: CSS modules allow you to import stylesheets as objects, and then reference specific class names in your component. This can make it easier to manage complex styling rules and prevent style conflicts. You can use a CSS preprocessor loader with CSS modules to incorporate .less files.

Overall, the approach you take will depend on your preference and the needs of your project. It's important to ensure that your styles are organized in a way that makes sense and is maintainable.