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There could be several reasons why the proxy is not functioning correctly when the page is refreshed or accessed through the URL:

  1. Configuration Errors: There may be configuration errors in the proxy settings that are causing the problem. Check the proxy settings to make sure they are configured correctly.

  2. Network Issues: There could be network issues that are preventing the proxy from working properly. Check the network settings to make sure there are no issues.

  3. Browser Issues: The browser you are using may be causing the problem. Try accessing the proxy page with a different browser to see if the problem persists.

  4. Proxy Server Issues: The proxy server may be experiencing technical difficulties. Contact the server administrator to resolve the issue.

  5. Cache Problems: The browser cache may be causing problems with the proxy page. Try clearing the browser cache to see if that resolves the issue.

  6. Anti-virus or Firewall Interference: Your anti-virus or firewall may be blocking the proxy. Try disabling them temporarily to see if this resolves the issue.