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There are a few possible solutions for the "Failed to import shapes/image" error in Confluence when importing a Word file:

  1. Check the image file format: Confluence may not be able to import certain image file formats. Make sure the images are saved in a compatible format such as .jpg or .png.

  2. Check the file size: Large image files may also cause importing errors. Try compressing the images or reducing their size before importing.

  3. Use the "Paste Special" option: If the images are not importing correctly, try copying and pasting them into the Confluence page using the "Paste Special" option, which will allow you to select the image format.

  4. Manually insert the images: If all else fails, manually insert the images into the Confluence page by dragging and dropping them from your computer or adding them as attachments.

  5. Convert the Word file to HTML: If the above solutions do not work, try converting the Word file to HTML and then importing it into Confluence. This can be done using Microsoft Word or online converters such as Zamzar or CloudConvert.