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The process of modifying the cart's price and quantity exclusively through MVC, without utilizing ajax or livewire would involve the following steps:

  1. Create a controller method that receives the updated price and quantity values from a form submission or user input.
  2. In the controller method, update the cart model with the new price and quantity values.
  3. Redirect the user back to the cart view, which will display the updated cart with the modified price and quantity values.
  4. In the cart view, update the HTML and/or PHP code to display the modified price and quantity values retrieved from the cart model.
  5. When the user submits an order or clicks a checkout button, the MVC framework should carry out the appropriate business logic to finalize the order.

Note that this process assumes that the MVC framework being used includes built-in support for session management and handling form submissions. If not, this functionality will need to be implemented separately, either through a custom MVC plugin or through third-party libraries.