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There are several potential problems when using PyODBC in Python3 to connect to SQL Server from Windows7:

  1. Driver compatibility: PyODBC requires a compatible ODBC driver to connect to SQL Server. Older drivers may not be compatible with Python3, so it's important to use a driver that supports the version of Python you are using.

  2. Authentication issues: Connecting to SQL Server from outside the server's domain can be a challenge, especially when using Python. Be sure to check your authentication settings and permissions.

  3. Firewall settings: Windows Firewall or other firewalls may prevent PyODBC from connecting to SQL Server. Be sure to allow traffic from your Python script through the firewall.

  4. Environment variables: Be sure to set the correct environment variables such as ODBCINI, ODBCSYSINI, and PATH to connect to SQL Server.

  5. Encoding issues: If your SQL Server database or queries contain non-ASCII characters, you may encounter encoding issues. Be sure to set the correct encoding when connecting to SQL Server using PyODBC.