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There could be a few reasons why the function is not being triggered when the click event occurs with addEventListener:

  1. The syntax of the addEventListener function may be incorrect. Double check that the syntax is correct, including the correct event type and function name.

  2. The element that the event listener is attached to may not exist yet. Make sure that the element is present in the DOM before trying to add an event listener to it.

  3. The function may have errors in it that prevent it from running properly. Check the console for any error messages and make sure the function is written correctly.

  4. There may be other event listeners that are preventing the function from being triggered. Check if there are any other event listeners attached to the same element and make sure they are not interfering with the click event.

  5. The function may be using the wrong event object. For example, if the function is expecting a mouse event but is receiving a keyboard event, it may not be triggered correctly. Ensure that the event object being passed to the function is the correct one.