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There are multiple ways to eliminate specific categories from a dataset, depending on the tool or programming language used.

In general, one approach is to filter the dataset based on a condition that excludes the categories to be eliminated. For example, if the dataset has a column named "category" and we want to exclude the categories "A" and "B", we could write a filter that selects only the rows where the category is not "A" or "B":

  • SQL: SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE category NOT IN ('A', 'B')
  • Python (Pandas): mydata[~mydata['category'].isin(['A', 'B'])]
  • R: subset(mydata, !category %in% c('A', 'B'))

Another approach is to create a new dataset with only the categories that are desired, and exclude the ones that are not needed. This can be achieved by grouping and aggregating the data based on the desired categories, or by selecting only the columns that correspond to the desired categories:

  • SQL: SELECT col1, col2, ... FROM mytable WHERE category IN ('C', 'D')
  • Python (Pandas): mydata.loc[:, ['col1', 'col2', ...]][mydata['category'].isin(['C', 'D'])]
  • R: subset(mydata, category %in% c('C', 'D'), select=c('col1', 'col2', ...))