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There could be several reasons why Django's connectivity to NGINX and uwsgi is not functioning properly with static files. Some possible causes are:

  1. Incorrect file paths: The file paths for static files may not be set up correctly in the Django settings file, causing NGINX and uwsgi to fail to locate the files.

  2. Permission issues: The user running the uwsgi process may not have sufficient permissions to access the static files.

  3. Incorrect configuration: The configuration files for NGINX and uwsgi may not be set up correctly, causing connectivity issues with Django.

  4. Incorrect MIME types: NGINX may not be correctly handling the MIME types for static files, causing issues with serving them.

  5. Cache issues: If static files are not being updated correctly, caching issues may be the cause.

To troubleshoot this issue, it is recommended to check the Django settings file, the configuration files for NGINX and uwsgi, and ensure that the file paths, permissions, MIME types, and cache settings are set up correctly. It may also be helpful to check the error logs for any specific error messages.