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The reason for the failure to obtain metadata for the first table-valued parameter with the SQLSTATE[IMSSP] error is typically due to one of the following reasons:

  1. The table-valued parameter was not properly defined or sent to the stored procedure.

  2. The user does not have the necessary permissions to access the table-valued parameter.

  3. The data type of the table-valued parameter does not match the data type expected by the stored procedure.

  4. There is a problem with the SQL Server installation or configuration.

  5. There is a network issue that is preventing the connection between the client and server.

  6. There is a problem with the SQL Server instance.

  7. There is a bug in the SQL Server software.

In order to resolve the issue, the user should review the stored procedure and verify that the table-valued parameter is properly defined and being passed correctly. Additionally, the user should check their permissions and ensure that the data type of the parameter is correct. Finally, the user should also check for any other potential issues with their SQL Server installation or configuration.