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You can obtain the names of the columns through DBD::CSV by using the fetchrow_hashref method after executing a SELECT statement. This method returns a reference to a hash that contains the column names as keys and the row values as values. You can then use the keys function to retrieve the column names.

Here's an example:

use DBI;

my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:CSV:f_dir=/path/to/csv");

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM my_table");

my $col_names_ref = $sth->{NAME_hash};

my @col_names = keys %$col_names_ref;

print "Column names: " . join(", ", @col_names) . "\n";

In this example, we first connect to the CSV file using DBI->connect. Then, we prepare and execute a SELECT statement using prepare and execute.

After executing the statement, we retrieve the column names using $sth->{NAME_hash}, which returns a reference to a hash that maps column names to their indices. We use the keys function to extract the column names from this hash and store them in an array.

Finally, we print out the column names using the join function to concatenate the array elements with ", " as the separator.