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To modify the default network adapter in Simics qsp-x86, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Simics Workspace Manager by clicking on the Simics icon on the desktop.

  2. In the Workspace Manager, navigate to the qsp-x86 platform and select it.

  3. Click on the Configuration tab, then click on the Network Adapters tab.

  4. Find the adapter that you want to modify, and click on the Edit button next to it.

  5. In the Edit Network Adapter window, you can modify various settings such as the adapter type, MAC address, and IP address.

  6. Make the desired changes and click on the Save button.

  7. If you want to set the modified network adapter as the default adapter, select it in the list of adapters, and click on the Set as Default button.

Note that changing the default network adapter may affect the network connectivity of the virtual machine running in Simics, so be careful when making changes.