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To swap out one excel sheet in an excel workbook for another excel sheet in R, you can use the following steps:

  1. Load the "xlsx" library using the command: library(xlsx)

  2. Read the existing Excel workbook using the command: wb <- loadWorkbook("existing_workbook.xlsx")

  3. Create a new Excel sheet using the command: new_sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName = "new_sheet")

  4. Read the data from the sheet you want to swap out using the command: old_sheet_data <- read.xlsx("existing_workbook.xlsx", sheetIndex = sheet_index), where sheet_index is the index number of the sheet you want to swap out (starting from 1).

  5. Write the data to the new sheet using the command: write.xlsx(old_sheet_data, wb, sheet = new_sheet)

  6. Remove the old sheet using the command: removeSheet(wb, sheet_index)

  7. Save the changes to the workbook using the command: saveWorkbook(wb, "existing_workbook.xlsx")

Note: You can also use the sheetName parameter instead of sheetIndex if you know the name of the sheet you want to swap out.