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There are a few reasons why RefreshIndicator may not be functioning in Flutter web:

  1. Browser compatibility: RefreshIndicator may not be fully compatible with all web browsers, which can cause issues with its functionality.

  2. Custom scroll behavior: If you have implemented custom scroll behavior in your app, this may interfere with RefreshIndicator's ability to detect when a user has pulled down to refresh.

  3. Incorrect implementation: It's possible that RefreshIndicator was not implemented correctly in your app, which can cause it to fail to function properly. Double-check your code to ensure that you have followed the correct steps for implementing RefreshIndicator in Flutter web.

  4. Conflicting widgets: It's possible that you have other widgets in your app that are conflicting with RefreshIndicator, such as a GridView or ListView. Try removing any conflicting widgets to see if this resolves the issue.

  5. Network issues: If your app relies on data that is retrieved from the internet, RefreshIndicator may not work if there are network connectivity issues. Ensure that your app is able to properly retrieve data from the internet before attempting to use RefreshIndicator.