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There could be various reasons for your Python MQTT subscriber to crash unexpectedly without displaying any errors. Some possible reasons are:

  1. Connection issues: The subscriber could be losing its connection to the MQTT broker due to network connectivity issues, which could cause it to crash without displaying any errors.

  2. Memory leaks: Memory leaks can cause the subscriber to consume excessive amounts of memory, leading to crashes without any error message.

  3. Bugs: There could be bugs within the subscriber code that are causing it to crash, but without any error message being displayed.

  4. Compatibility issues: The subscriber may not be compatible with the version of MQTT that is being used on the broker, which could be causing it to crash.

To resolve the issue, you can try to identify the root cause of the problem by checking the logs, reviews the subscriber code, and verifying the connection settings. If you are stuck and cannot figure the exact issue, you can also consider seeking help from a technical expert.