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It is possible that the SnackBar is failing to display upon the second instance in Jetpack Compose due to a few reasons:

  1. The first SnackBar may not have been dismissed properly: If the first SnackBar is not dismissed properly, it may interfere with the second SnackBar, causing it to not display correctly.

  2. The state may not be updated: In Jetpack Compose, state is used to manage the data and UI of an application. If the state is not updated properly, the SnackBar may not display on the screen.

  3. The SnackBar may not be triggered: If the SnackBar is not triggered, it may not show up on the screen. This may be due to a bug or an error in the code.

To resolve these issues, it is recommended to check the code and ensure that proper state management is implemented, and that the SnackBar is triggered and dismissed correctly. Additionally, updating to the latest version of Jetpack Compose may also help solve any potential bugs or issues.