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To maintain the changes made to the checkout field in Woocommerce, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a child theme: Create a child theme of your main Woocommerce theme. This will allow you to modify the theme files without losing any changes when the theme updates.

  2. Locate the file: Find the file in your theme folder that controls the checkout field.

  3. Modify the code: Once you have located the file, modify the code to add or remove the checkout field as needed.

  4. Use Custom CSS: If you only want to change the appearance of the checkout field, you can use custom CSS in the child theme's style.css file.

  5. Test and Debug: Test your changes to ensure they are working as intended. Make sure to test the checkout process thoroughly to avoid any potential errors.

  6. Backup: Make sure to backup your theme files before making any changes.

By following these steps, you can maintain the changes made to the checkout field in Woocommerce.