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Without knowing the specific SQL query, here are some general steps that can be taken to enhance the performance of a SQL query:

  1. Optimize table structure: Ensure that tables are properly structured for efficient querying by normalizing the database and properly indexing fields.

  2. Use efficient join methods: Use INNER JOINs instead of OUTER JOINs where possible and use subqueries or temporary tables to improve join performance.

  3. Limit the amount of data returned: Use the SELECT statement to retrieve only the necessary data and avoid using the "*" operator to retrieve all fields.

  4. Use WHERE clauses effectively: Use WHERE clauses to filter data before it's returned, and use indexes on columns included in WHERE clauses to improve performance.

  5. Use EXPLAIN to analyze query execution: Use the EXPLAIN statement to analyze how the query is executed and identify any potential performance bottlenecks.

  6. Use stored procedures: Use stored procedures instead of ad-hoc SQL statements to reduce the amount of network overhead and improve query performance.

  7. Use caching: Cache frequently accessed data to reduce the number of database queries required.

  8. Upgrade hardware or software: Upgrade hardware or database software to improve performance.