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To send an email reminder precisely one hour before the scheduled start time in Laravel, you can use the Laravel Scheduler and set up a scheduled task to run one hour before the scheduled start time.

Here's an example code snippet:

$schedule->call(function () {
    // Get the scheduled start time of the event
    $startTime = Event::find(1)->start_time;

    // Set the reminder time to one hour before the start time
    $reminderTime = Carbon::parse($startTime)->subHour();

    // Get the users who need to be reminded about the event
    $users = User::where('event_reminder', true)->get();

    // Send the reminder email to each user
    foreach ($users as $user) {
        Mail::to($user->email)->send(new EventReminder($reminderTime));

In this example, we use the Laravel Scheduler to run a daily task that sends a reminder email to all users who have opted in for event reminders. We first get the scheduled start time of the event and set the reminder time to one hour before the start time using the Carbon library. We then retrieve the list of users who need to be reminded about the event and send the reminder email to each user using the Laravel Mail facade.