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To import Excel data into the uarray uncertainties package using Python, you can use the pandas library.

  1. First, install pandas using pip by running pip install pandas in your terminal or command prompt.

  2. Once installed, import pandas into your Python script using import pandas as pd.

  3. Use the read_excel() function in pandas to import the Excel data. This function reads an Excel file into a pandas DataFrame.

import pandas as pd

# read the Excel file into a pandas DataFrame
df = pd.read_excel('filename.xlsx')

# convert the DataFrame into a uarray
import uarray as ua

# extract the data from the DataFrame and convert to a uarray
x = ua.array(df['column_name'])
  1. You can then use x as a uarray in your calculations.

Note that you may need to install the xlrd library if you encounter an error while trying to read the Excel file with pandas. You can do this by running pip install xlrd.