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Packages can be utilized between virtual environments in Python by either installing them globally or by copying the package or module from one environment to another.

  1. Installing packages globally: If you want to use a package in multiple virtual environments, you can install it globally using pip.
pip install <package_name>

This will install the package globally, making it available to all virtual environments.

  1. Copying packages or modules: You can also copy the package or module from one virtual environment to another. First, locate the package or module files in the source environment. Then, copy them to the destination environment's site-packages directory.
cp -r <source_env>/lib/python3.8/site-packages/<package_name> <dest_env>/lib/python3.8/site-packages/

After copying the package or module, it will be available to be imported in the destination virtual environment.

Note: It's recommended to use virtual environments for each project to avoid conflicting dependencies and to keep the environment isolated. However, if you need to use the same package in multiple virtual environments, the above methods can be utilized.