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There are several benefits of choosing sqlalchemy.types instead of sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql:

  1. Portability: sqlalchemy.types provide a consistent and portable API for creating and manipulating database columns across different database engines, whereas sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql is specific to the MSSQL database engine.

  2. Flexibility: sqlalchemy.types provide a wide range of data types that can be used across different database engines, whereas sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql provides only the data types supported by the MSSQL database engine.

  3. Ease of use: sqlalchemy.types provide a simpler and more intuitive interface for creating and manipulating database columns compared to sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql, which can have more complex syntax.

  4. Compatibility: sqlalchemy.types are compatible with various database engines, including MSSQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Oracle, making it easier to switch between different databases without changing the code.

Overall, choosing sqlalchemy.types over sqlalchemy.dialects.mssql provides more flexibility, ease of use, and portability, making it a better choice for developers who work with multiple database engines.