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initial version
  1. Structured: RPGLE data structures are organized in a hierarchical structure with defined fields and levels.

  2. Mutable: The fields in a data structure can be modified or updated as per the program code.

  3. Scalable: The size of the data structure can be expanded or contracted as per the requirements of the program.

  4. User-defined: RPGLE data structures can be created with user-defined names and attributes.

  5. Strongly typed: The type of each field within a data structure is explicitly defined.

  6. Versatile: RPGLE data structures can be used to store data of different data types such as integers, decimals, character strings, etc.

  7. Within a single data structure, elements can have different lengths, depending on the data types assigned to each of them.

  8. Can be used to define variables within RPG programs and as parameters in subroutines, procedures, and functions.

  9. Can be used to pass data between programs, procedures, and functions.

  10. Can be used in I/O operations to handle large sets of data.