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There are various ways to confirm the validity of email addresses:

  1. Email Verification Tools: There are several email verification tools available online that can help you check for the validity of an email address. These tools work by checking the syntax, domain name, and mailbox existence of an email address.

  2. Email Ping: You can also verify the validity of an email address using a technique called email ping. This involves sending an email to the email address in question and checking if it bounces back. If the email bounces back, it is likely that the email address is not valid.

  3. Double Opt-In: If you are collecting email addresses through a sign-up form, you can use a double opt-in process to confirm the validity of the email address. This involves sending a confirmation email to the email address and checking if the user confirms their subscription.

  4. Manual Verification: You can manually verify the validity of an email address by reaching out to the owner of the email address and asking them to confirm it. This can be time-consuming and requires effort, but it is often the most accurate method.