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GUI usage on windows for an ERP program can be automated using various automation tools such as Selenium, AutoIt, PyAutoGUI, Robot Framework, and many others. These tools can simulate user actions on the graphical user interface (GUI) of the ERP program, such as clicking buttons, entering data, selecting menus, and other similar tasks.

To automate GUI usage on windows for an ERP program, the following steps can be followed:

  1. Choose an automation tool that fits your requirements and skills.

  2. Identify the tasks that need to be automated in the ERP program.

  3. Create test scripts that replicate the tasks to be automated.

  4. Run the test scripts on the ERP program.

  5. Analyze the results and fix any issues that arise.

  6. Integrate the automated test scripts into the software development lifecycle.

It is important to note that GUI automation can be complex and time-consuming, especially if the ERP program has a complicated GUI. Therefore, it is essential to carefully plan and execute the automation process to ensure that it is efficient and effective.