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To create a Python venv that functions on systems without Python installed, you can use PyInstaller. PyInstaller is a program that packages Python programs into standalone executables, so you don't need to install Python or any other dependencies to run the program.

Here's how you can use PyInstaller to create a standalone executable version of your Python program with a venv:

  1. Activate the venv you want to package by running source PATH_TO_VENV/bin/activate.

  2. Install PyInstaller in the venv by running pip install pyinstaller.

  3. Navigate to the directory containing your Python program.

  4. Run the command pyinstaller --onefile to create a standalone executable file of your program.

  5. The executable file will be created in the dist directory within your program directory.

  6. Transfer the executable file to the target system and run it.

The resulting executable will function on systems without Python installed, but keep in mind that the size of the resulting file may be quite large due to the inclusion of dependencies within the venv.