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There could be several reasons for this issue. Here are some possible causes:

  1. Wrong configuration of static files in Django Make sure that you have correctly defined the STATICURL and STATICFILESDIRS in your file.

  2. Incorrectly placed static files: Check that the static files are placed in the correct location. They should be located in a directory named 'static' at the root of your Django project.

  3. Incorrectly referenced static files in React: Ensure that the references to your static files in your React components are correct. Check if any typos or incorrect URLs are present.

  4. Caching issues: If you have recently made changes to your static files, you may need to clear your cache to see the changes.

  5. Permissions: Make sure that the user running the Django server has permission to access the static files.

  6. Check if the server is configured to serve static files: Django's development server does not serve static files by default. You may need to configure your server to serve static files.