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The process for sharing jar layers among multiple microservices typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the common jar layers that need to be shared among multiple microservices.

  2. Package the common jar layers into separate jar files.

  3. Publish the jar files to a shared repository or a central repository manager, such as Maven or Nexus.

  4. Configure the microservices to include the shared jar files as dependencies.

  5. During the build process, the build tool (such as Maven) will automatically retrieve the shared jar files from the repository and include them in the microservices.

  6. Ensure that the microservices are compatible with the shared jar files, and test the microservices to ensure that they function correctly with the shared jar files.

  7. Update the shared jar files as needed, and deploy the changes to the repository so that the microservices can retrieve the updated jar files during the build process.