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There could be several reasons why the current connection count in a MongoDB replica remains fixed at a higher value until the replica is restarted. Some possible reasons are:

  1. Network or server issues: If there are network or server issues, connections may not be closed properly or new ones may not be established. This can result in a higher-than-normal connection count that persists until the replica is restarted.

  2. Application code issues: If the application using the replica does not close connections properly or opens too many connections, this can also lead to a higher-than-normal connection count that persists until the replica is restarted.

  3. Replica configuration issues: If the replica is misconfigured, it may not be able to handle the current connection load properly, resulting in a higher-than-normal connection count.

  4. Bug in MongoDB: In some cases, there may be a bug in MongoDB that causes the connection count to remain fixed at a higher value until the replica is restarted.

In any case, it is important to identify the root cause of the issue and fix it to prevent it from happening again in the future.