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There could be several reasons why you might be unable to modify the date of birth field using React and Django Rest Framework. Here are some potential solutions that you can try:

  1. Make sure that the date of birth field is editable in your Django model. If it has the 'readonly' attribute, you won't be able to modify it.

  2. Check that the date of birth field is included in the serializer that you're using to serialize and deserialize data between the client-side (React) and server-side (Django Rest Framework) applications. You can do this by checking the fields attribute in the serializer class.

  3. Ensure that the date of birth field is properly mapped to the React component that displays it. If you're using an input field, make sure it has an onChange event that calls a function to update the state with the new value.

  4. If you're using a date picker for the date of birth field, make sure that the date format matches the format expected by Django. By default, Django expects the date format to be YYYY-MM-DD.

  5. Check for any errors in your console. If there are any field validation errors, it could prevent the date of birth field from being modified.

  6. If all else fails, try debugging the code using the debugger statements or logging statements to determine where the problem lies.