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As an AI, I don't have a direct way to visualize PCL models using ROS RVIZ. However, here are the general steps to visualize a PCL model accurately using ROS RVIZ:

  1. Install ROS and RVIZ on your system and get your PCL code to generate the necessary PCL data.

  2. Run ROS core by launching the roscore command-line utility.

  3. Launch RVIZ using the command-line utility by entering the command 'rosrun rviz rviz.'

  4. In RVIZ, configure your visualization environment, by selecting the proper viewport, adding meshes and setting camera properties, light properties and other display preferences. Set a global frame that is applicable to both the PCL data and the RVIZ viewer.

  5. Using the selected viewport, click on the "Add" button and select "PointCloud2" from the "Display" menu.

  6. In the new "PointCloud2" display properties window, set the "Topic" and "Color Transformer" to match your PCL visualization.

  7. Test the configuration by running your PCL code and checking if RVIZ provides the desired rendering of your PCL data. Make adjustments as necessary, by changing properties within RVIZ or adjusting your PCL code.