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initial version
  1. Use a pre-built template: Using a pre-built template or starter kit can save time in setting up the project structure and configuration.

  2. Use plugins or frameworks: VueJS and Cordova have plugins and frameworks that provide basic functionalities like data storage, network calls, push notifications, etc. By using these, you can save time in writing the code from scratch.

  3. Automate build and deploy process: Automating the build and deploy process using tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, or Travis CI can save time and make the process more efficient.

  4. Use code scaffolding: Scaffolding tools like Vue CLI and Cordova CLI can generate code templates for quicker development.

  5. Follow standard coding practices: Follow standard coding practices like using code comments, maintaining code structure, and writing unit tests can save time in debugging and testing.

  6. Collaborate with a team: Collaborating with team members using tools like Git, Trello, or Asana can help in faster development and better communication.

  7. Use online resources: Use online resources like Stack Overflow or VueJS/Cordova documentation for quick reference and finding solutions to coding problems.