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There are several solutions for resolving Arabic font issues in Safari and FireFox:

  1. Install Arabic fonts on your computer: You can download and install Arabic fonts on your computer, which will help you to see the Arabic text properly in Safari and FireFox.

  2. Use a different browser: Not all browsers support Arabic fonts, so you may want to try using a different browser, such as Chrome, which has better support for Arabic fonts.

  3. Enable Arabic text support: To enable Arabic text support, go to the settings in Safari or FireFox and select the language option. Then, select Arabic as the language, and check the box that says "Install fonts for this language".

  4. Use a plugin or extension: There are several plugins and extensions available that can help you to view Arabic text properly in Safari and FireFox. One popular extension is FontFix, which can help you to fix font display issues in your browser.

  5. Use a virtual keyboard: If you are having trouble typing Arabic text in Safari or FireFox, you can use a virtual keyboard that allows you to type Arabic characters using your mouse or touchpad.