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There can be several reasons why your application built with Node.js, GraphQL, MongoDB, and Flutter, deployed on Heroku is experiencing crashes:

  1. Insufficient Memory: If the application is running out of memory, it may lead to crashes. Heroku has limited resources, and if the application is consuming more memory than the allocated limit, it may crash.

  2. Code Errors: Bugs in your code can also cause your application to crash. Ensure that your code is free of syntax errors, incorrect logic or unexpected input/output bugs.

  3. Dependencies Issues: If dependencies on libraries, packages, or plugins are outdated or not compatible with your application, it may cause crashes.

  4. Inefficient Database Queries: Inefficient database queries can cause slow response times, affect server performance, and lead to crashes.

  5. Configuration Issues: Configuration errors, such as incorrect collation settings or database connection issues, can lead to crashes.

To troubleshoot and fix these issues, consider monitoring system resources, debugging your code, updating dependencies, optimizing database queries, and reviewing your configuration settings.