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There are several reasons why two identical methods that utilize map_dbl() in R may produce different results:

1) Different input data: If the two methods are applied to different datasets, then the output is expected to be different. Even if the data looks similar, there may be subtle differences in the values or the structure of the data that affect the output.

2) Different parameters: map_dbl() can take different parameters, such as the function to apply or the way to handle missing values. If the two methods use different parameters, then the output is likely to be different.

3) Randomness or variability: If the method involves some form of randomness or variability, such as a simulation or a statistical model, then the output may be different each time it is run or for different subsets of the data.

4) Errors or bugs: If the methods contain errors or bugs in the code, then the output may be incorrect or unexpected, even if the methods appear to be identical. It is therefore important to check the code carefully for errors and to test the methods on different datasets to ensure that they produce the expected output.