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There are several ways to manage scrolling when using LazyColumn in Android:

  1. Paging: Use pagination to load data in batches rather than loading all the data at once. This can improve performance and reduce the amount of data loaded.

  2. Empty view: Display a placeholder or empty view while the data is loading. This will give the user an indication that the content is loading and prevent them from scrolling down too quickly.

  3. Shimmer effect: Implement a shimmer effect which is a loading animation that mimics the content to help fill the lack of content while it has not yet loaded.

  4. Swipe to refresh: Implement the swipe-to-refresh feature to allow users to refresh the content when they need to. This will also help manage any scrolling while the app is refreshing.

  5. Load more: Implementing the Load More feature instead of pagination ensures that all the data will be loaded, but it reduces the burden on the server.

  6. Caching: Implement caching to reduce the data load times and ensure that only the data that has been updated or has changed is loaded. This can help when scrolling is erratic as lazy column keeps on fetching data from the server.