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To create a new terminal tab utilizing Spring Shell dependency in Spring boot, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add the Spring Shell dependency in your pom.xml or build.gradle file.

  2. Define a command in your application by creating a class that extends the interface. This interface contains a single method that returns a collection of commands.

  3. Once you have defined your command, you can start your Spring Boot application using the @SpringBootApplication annotation.

  4. Open a new terminal and execute the command:

spring shell

This will open a new shell prompt.

  1. To create a new terminal tab, use the following command:

This will open a new tab in the shell prompt. You can switch between tabs by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Page Up/Page Down.

  1. In the new tab, you can execute your Spring Shell command by typing the command and its arguments.

  2. To exit the shell, use the following command:
