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One method for creating a border around only the words in a section that contains five fill in the blank questions in HTML is to wrap the words in each question with a span tag and apply a CSS style to the span tags. Here's an example code:


<div class="question-section">
  <h2>Fill in the blanks:</h2>
    1. The capital city of France is <span class="word">___</span>.<br>
    2. The largest planet in our solar system is <span class="word">___</span>.<br>
    3. The process of converting sugar into alcohol is called <span class="word">___</span>.<br>
    4. The largest organ in the human body is the <span class="word">___</span>.<br>
    5. The highest mountain in the world is <span class="word">___</span>.


.question-section .word {
  border: 1px solid black;
  padding: 2px;

In this code, the span tags with class "word" wrap around the blank spaces in each question. The CSS style for ".question-section .word" applies a 1px solid black border and 2px padding to each span tag. This creates a border around only the words inside each span tag, rather than the entire question section.