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One way to add strings to a code block by looking for a matching string within it is as follows:

  1. Define the code block as a string variable.
  2. Define the search string that you want to look for within the code block.
  3. Use the find() function to find the position of the search string within the code block.
  4. Use string concatenation to insert the new string at the position of the search string within the code block.

Here is an example code:

code_block = '''
def add_numbers(x, y):
    result = x + y
    return result

search_string = 'result = x + y'

index = code_block.find(search_string)

if index != -1:
    new_string = 'print("The result is:", result)\n'
    code_block = code_block[:index] + new_string + code_block[index:]


In this example, we define a code block as a string variable and a search string that we want to look for within the code block. We then use the find() function to find the position of the search string within the code block. If the search string is found, we use string concatenation to insert a new string that prints the result at the position of the search string within the code block. Finally, we print the modified code block with the new string added.