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To change the frame rate from variable to constant while maintaining the codec parameters of a video, you can use video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro.

Here are the steps in Adobe Premiere Pro:

  1. Open Adobe Premiere Pro and import the video file.

  2. Right-click on the file in the project panel and select "Modify > Interpret Footage."

  3. In the "Interpret Footage" window, change the "Frame Rate" to your desired constant frame rate.

  4. Click "OK" to save the changes.

  5. Drag the video file from the project panel to the timeline.

  6. Export the video using the same codec parameters as the original video.

By changing the frame rate in the "Interpret Footage" window, you are ensuring that the video playback remains smooth and constant, without losing any quality or changing the codec parameters.