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There is no direct method to identify the center visible element in LazyRow. However, you can use a combination of scroll position and the dimensions of the elements to estimate the center visible element. Here are the steps to do so:

  1. Get the scroll position of the LazyRow using LazyListState.

  2. Calculate the center point of the LazyRow by adding half of the LazyRow's width to the scroll position.

val lazyListState = rememberLazyListState()
val centerPosition = lazyListState.layoutInfo.viewportEndOffset / 2 + lazyListState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset
  1. Loop through the children of the LazyRow and calculate their left and right x-coordinates using withDensity.
CompositionLocalProvider(LocalDensity) {
    items.forEachIndexed { index, item ->
        val placeable = item.measure(constraints)
        val left = withDensity { (index * itemSize + paddingStart).toDp().toPx() }
        val right = withDensity { ((index + 1) * itemSize + paddingStart).toDp().toPx() }
        // Check if the centerPosition is within the range of this item
        if (left <= centerPosition && centerPosition <= right) {
            // This is the center visible element
  1. Check if the center position is within the x-coordinate range of each item. The item that contains the center position is the center visible element.

Note: this method may not be completely accurate, especially if the items have different widths.