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There are a few potential causes for this error, but one of the most common is that the ConfigStateService has not been properly provided to your component or service. Here are some steps you can take to resolve the error:

  1. Check that the ConfigStateService is imported and provided in your module: Make sure that you have imported ConfigStateService in your module and added it to the providers array, like this:
import { ConfigStateService } from '@abp/ng.core';
  providers: [ConfigStateService],
export class AppModule {}
  1. Check that the ConfigStateService is injected in your component or service: Make sure that you have imported ConfigStateService in your component or service and injected it in the constructor, like this:
import { ConfigStateService } from '@abp/ng.core';
constructor(private configStateService: ConfigStateService) {}
  1. Check that your component or service is included in the correct ngModule: Make sure that your component or service is included in the correct module that provides the ConfigStateService.

  2. Check that the module is properly imported: Make sure that the module where the ConfigStateService is provided is properly imported in your component or service.

By properly providing and injecting the ConfigStateService, you should be able to resolve the "inject ConfigStateService" error in Abp Angular.