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To add Maven dependencies to IntelliJ IDEA, follow these steps:

  1. Open the IntelliJ IDEA project in which you want to add the Maven dependency.

  2. Open the "pom.xml" file for the project.

  3. Locate the "dependencies" section of the "pom.xml" file.

  4. In the "dependencies" section, add a new dependency by typing the dependency's group ID, artifact ID, and version number.

  5. Save the "pom.xml" file.

  6. To download the added dependency, click the "Maven Projects" tab on the right side of the IntelliJ IDEA window.

  7. Under the "Project" section, click the "Reload All Maven Projects" button.

  8. Once the Maven projects are reloaded, you should see the newly added dependency under the "External Libraries" section of the project.

  9. You can now use the dependency in your project.