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There could be several reasons why the formset in Django is not functioning properly when used with a selector widget that has two options. Here are some of the possible reasons:

  1. Incorrect formset configuration: Ensure that you have configured the formset correctly with the appropriate fields and widgets. If the widget is not set up properly, it can cause issues with the formset.

  2. Wrong data format: Make sure that the data being submitted to the formset is in the correct format. Double-check if the data type of the entries is consistent with what the formset is expecting.

  3. Incorrect validation: The formset may not be validating the options from the selector widget properly. Check the validation rules for the selector widget to ensure that it's handling the selected options correctly.

  4. Widget compatibility: Check the compatibility of the selector widget with the formset. Some widgets may not work well with particular formsets.

  5. Unclear error messages: If the error messages displayed are unclear, it can be difficult to debug the issue. Ensure that the error messages are specific and provide enough information to understand the problem.

Overall, troubleshooting the formset issues can involve a combination of these factors, so testing and debugging the code with care is essential.