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There could be several reasons why your pre-rendered Blazor assembly is unable to reference a class in a shared library. Here are a few things to check:

  1. Ensure that the shared library project has been included as a reference in the pre-rendered Blazor project.

  2. Check that the namespace and class names in the shared library are correct and match the references in the pre-rendered Blazor project.

  3. Ensure that the shared library project is built and up-to-date.

  4. Make sure that any required dependencies for the shared library are included in the pre-rendered Blazor project, such as NuGet packages or other assemblies.

  5. Check if there are any conflicts or naming collisions with other classes or namespaces in the pre-rendered Blazor project that may be preventing the reference from resolving correctly.

  6. Verify that the access modifiers (public, private, protected, etc.) of the shared class and any of its members are correct and accommodating for the intended usage.

By carefully reviewing these potential causes, you can identify and resolve issues that are preventing your pre-rendered Blazor assembly from referencing a class in a shared library.