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initial version
  1. Identify the specific point on the mesh that needs to be indicated.
  2. Determine the appropriate way to indicate the point, such as changing its color, size or shape.
  3. Use ThreeJS APIs to access the mesh and manipulate its properties to indicate the desired point. For example, you can use the Mesh.material.color property to change the color of the point, or use the Mesh.scale property to adjust its size.
  4. If the point needs to move or animate, you can use ThreeJS animation APIs to create keyframes for the point's position, rotation, or scale. This can be done by creating a custom animation function that updates the point's position or by using built-in ThreeJS animation classes such as Tween or AnimationMixer.
  5. Finally, add any necessary event handling to ensure that the point behaves as intended when interacted with by the user. This may involve adding click, hover, or other types of event listeners that trigger specific actions when the point is clicked or hovered over.