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If you are using version 19 of AdMob and want to upgrade to version 20, you can follow these steps:

  1. Update your AdMob SDK: You need to update your AdMob SDK to version 20. You can do this by downloading the latest version of the AdMob SDK from the AdMob website and updating your code accordingly.

  2. Replace Google Mobile Ads dependencies: In version 20, the Google Mobile Ads SDK no longer contains the AdMob SDK. Instead, you need to use the Google Mobile Ads dependencies. You can do this by updating your build.gradle file to include the following dependencies:

dependencies { implementation '' }

  1. Update your ad units: Once you have updated your SDK and dependencies, you need to update your ad units to use the new version of AdMob. You can do this by logging into your AdMob account and updating your ad units to use version 20.

  2. Test your ads: Finally, you should test your ads to ensure that they are working correctly. You can do this by using test ads during development and testing.

By following these steps, you should be able to transition from using AdMob version 19 to version 20.